Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Why should you follow the @HITConfGuy Twitter Account before and during #HIMSS16?

Why? To get the good HIMSS conference-related tweets without having to sift through all the advertisements, spam, stale and repeated tweets. That’s why!

HIMSS conference attendees can be freed from being glued to a popular hashtag that’s experiencing increased levels of spam and abuse so they can focus on the conference, presentations and vendor booths. Those who aren’t attending the HIMSS conference will have an enhanced means to eavesdrop on the proceedings remotely.

How are Tweets Selected?

Twitter, popular blogs and other sources of information are monitored using various automated and manual methods using terms and phrases expected to describe the HIMSS conference. A human with 20+ years of experience in the healthcare IT and services industry will review each tweet before it’s surfaced in Twitter.

What This Account Will Do

1. Only share information related to the HIMSS 2016 conference and only share relevant healthcare IT topics. I’ll focus on the following:

#digitalhealth – Mobile health, Digital Health and Connected Health
#telemedicine – Telehealth and telemedicine
#mhealth – Mobile Health
#ACO – Accountable Care Organizations
#ehr – Electronic Health Records
#hix – Health Insurance Exchanges
#icd10 – ICD-10
#interoperability - Interoperability and integration topics

2. Monitor alternative sources of information off Twitter’s oft beaten path. This includes blogs, content made available to me by followers, various search mechanisms I use, etc.

3. Include links to supplemental content and resources associated with certain tweets.

4. Share select vendor info (whitepapers, surveys, content, offers, etc) that are not clearly a sales pitches. Veiled sales pitches may be passed along at my discretion.

5. Verify that all embedded links and embedded content can be accessed

6. Spare you the excess of the “over-tweeters”

7. Share select info on "booth-bling," tweet-ups, parties and contests.

Keep an eye out for the following “unofficial HIMSS16 hashtags” suggested by others:

#HIMSS16GoodStuff - Identify good presentations, speakers, etc
#HIMSS16DanceOff - See #HIMSSanity
#HIMSSanity - General craziness
#HIMSSFood - Places to eat – good and bad – note them!
#HIMSSPickuplines - See #HIMSSanity
#HIMSSTips - Tips and How-to’s to maximize conference value
#HIMSSwag - Booth bling and handouts worth noting

What This Account Won't Do

1. Share the same tweet more than once. Except for periodic “promotional tweets” to call attention to the service this account provides.

2. A primary value of this account is that you can just periodically review its timeline and get the scoop as to what’s going on at #HIMSS16. No need to do special searches and/or monitor the #HIMSS16 hashtag - that's my job. :)

3. Retweet every tweet mentioning this account. This isn’t about me. I really didn't even want to have my real name on this blog but it's a Google term of service item. I'm doing this because I want to share good good healthcare IT info related to the HIMSS conference.

4. Repeat the same tweet over and over and over and over and over
5. Post content requiring login or special add-ins unless a warning is given – such as [requires login] or [Requires yada yada add-in]

So click here and follow @HitConfGuy