Sunday, March 29, 2015

Twitter Statistics for Speakers at 2015 HIMSS Conference

Here are some statistics regarding the 2015 HIMSS Conference speakers who have Twitter accounts. These statistics were obtained using the Twitter List of 2015 HIMSS Speakers obtained from Perficient_HC and the SocialBro social media analytics tool. Data is as of Sunday, March 29, 2015 @ 6:10am PST

Note: I had all the cool graphics from SocialBro and tried to include them but apparently I need to learn how to do that. It's early on a Sunday and the morning talk shows beckon. So I posted them into this "holder post" - maybe next time I'll figure it out.

Gender (Per SocialBro)
Female – 30.3%
Male – 42.6
Unknown – 27.1 (Not specified)

Note: I was interested to see just how many females vs. male speakers there were. Nowadays we hear so much about the dearth of women in technology. So I reviewed the names and avatars of each of the 251 accounts on Perficient’s Twitter list and with one exception was able to determine the gender of the HIMSS speaker. The following are the actual stats on speaker gender: 

Actual Gender (Per Chromosomes)
Female – 39%
Male – 58%
Entity – 3%
Unknown – <1% (1)

Number of Followers

50K - 100K10%
10K - 50K83%
5K - 10K83%
1K - 5K3815%
500 - 1K198%
100 - 5009437%
50 - 1003614%
0 - 504719%

Number of People the Speakers Follow 

Friends Qty %
>100K 0 0%
50K - 100K 0 0%
10K - 50K 0 0%
5K - 10K 1 0%
1K - 5K 29 12%
500 - 1K 32 13%
100 - 500 93 37%
50 - 100 37 15%
0 - 50 59 24%
Total 251 100%

Time Since Last Tweet

Time Since
Last Tweet
> 1 year 17 7%
Last year 13 5%
Last 6 months 10 4%
Last 3 months 30 12%
Last month 18 7%
Last 2 weeks 23 9%
Last week 86 34%
Last 24 hours 54 22%
Total 251 100%

56% have tweeted at least once in the last week
28% haven’t tweeted in over a month

Main Geographical Locations

Locations  Qty
washington, dc 10
chicago 9
boston, ma 5
washington dc 3
new york, ny 3
los angeles, ca 3
boston 3
stanford, ca 2
st. louis, mo 2
seattle, wa 2
san francisco 2
rockville, md 2
portland, or 2
pittsburgh, pa 2
philadelphia 2
green bay, wi 2
chicago, il 2
42.387648,-71.259747 1
The East Coast dominates with Washington, DC having the most speakers. Chicago and Portland, OR – two of my “home towns” make the top 10. Woo hoo! BTW: That one Lat-Lon is Raritan Township, NJ.

Main Bio Words

Main Bio Words Qty
healthcare 73
health 62
technology 21
informatics 21
director 21
medical 19
information 19
officer 17
chief 17
care 16
tweets 15
president 15
founder 15
physician 13
himss 13
clinical 13
management 11
husband 11
strategist 10
security 10

Clearly the HIMSS Speakers are healthcare technology executives at the director level and above.

I think it’s cool that 11 people listed “Husband” in their bio. I suspect females may not list "wife" in their bio since wife seems to have a negative connotation in the business world; as if that role is subservient while a "husband" is gallant? Too bad.

Are a Person (Not an entity):

Note: Clearly, based on my manual analysis, the above stat from Social Bro is incorrect. Only 1.2% are “entities.”

Include a URL in their Bio: 

So what can this data tell us about the Twitter accounts of the HIMSS Speakers and their Twitter activity?  I read the data as HIMSS speakers are not very active on Twitter. They appear to be fairly well balanced gender-wise. And they're located on the East coast.

To me, it’s disappointing that people who apparently have so much to offer do not share it more widely – at least on Twitter.

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