Saturday, May 6, 2017

How to Be the Perfect Healthcare Conference Attendee - When You'd Rather Be Somewhere Else

Attending conferences, forums and/or institutes is a lot of fun and a rewarding experience for most people. These events can be great ways to gain awareness of what’s going on in the industry, expand your network and learn actionable methods to add value via your day to day work. But for some people, sitting through a few days of presentations one after another, many of which pitch the same information liberally sprinkled with thinly-veiled company product information, conference attendance can be a real chore.

For those people who could care less about a specific topic being presented but who want to derive some value nonetheless, here are ten tips for being the perfect healthcare conference attendee – when you’d rather be somewhere else.

Ten Ways to Maximize Attendance at a Presentation

1. Sit in front, near the presenter
This applies only if you plan to stay awake; if you don't, see item #8 below. If you're going to all the trouble of attending the presentation and making a good impression, the presenter should get a chance to see your act.

2. Look alert. Keep your eyes on the presenter
If you MUST consult your watch, don't stare at it unbelievingly; or shake it.

3. Make a great show of taking notes
The presenter will believe you’re paying rapt attention. If used wisely, the gimmick of asking him or her to repeat a particularly significant statement is a good way to call out your presence. (Don't do this more often than twice in a single presentation)

4. Nod frequently and murmur, "How true!"
To you, this seems exaggerated; to the presenter, it is quite objective.

5. Tweet out some links to posts related to the topic being presented
This operation demonstrates fiery interest, and gives others some content to discuss and share with others. If you can't find anything related to the topic at hand, just share anything you find. Most healthcare thought-leaders think everything deals with their subject anyway.

6. Laugh at the presenter’s jokes
You CAN tell when a joke has been made. A clue: If the presenter looks up from his or her notes and smiles expectantly, he or she has just told a joke.

7. Ask for outside readings or special references
You don't have to read anything that may be provided to you. Just ask for it.

8. If you sleep, set an alarm to be woken a few minutes before the session is over
It may create an unpleasant impression if the rest of the attendees have left and you’re sitting there alone, dozing.

9. Ask only questions you believe the presenter can answer
This is so obvious it doesn't require any commentary.

10. Call attention to the presenter’s publications
This ploy produces an exquisitely pleasant feeling within the presenter, which becomes associated with you. Hint: If you discover your presenter has written a book or article, ask if he or she wrote it. Be sure to express appropriate reverence.

It Works. Try It.If you are a professional, do any of these thoughts bring back memories of your college days? 

For more information on healthcare conferences and events - specifically those related to information technology, products and services, consider following @HITConfGuy and @ShimCode on Twitter.

Note: The above was adapted from “How to Stay in College” by Robert Tyson of Hunter College. 

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