Sunday, April 19, 2015

An Agile Retrospective on Last Week’s #HIMSS15 Conference

Those who work in an “Agile Environment” know that a Retrospective review is often held after each sprint. The purpose of an Agile Retrospective is for team member’s to share three categories of information:

1. What worked well?
2. What did not work well?
3. What actions can we take to improve things going forward?

Click here to submit your thoughts on the above three questions.

Alternatively, some people like to use the Mad, Sad, Glad format where participants share what made them Mad, Sad or Glad about the sprint – in this case – the HIMSS Conference.

In this case, I’m thinking that “team member” means “HIMSS Conference Attendee.” One of the key benefits of a retrospective is that the recent events should be fresh in everyones mind and easier to recall and share.

If you’re willing to participate in a retrospective on last week's HIMSS Conference in Chicago, I’ve set up a Survey here. You do not have to enter any personal information unless you want to receive the survey results. And the survey is not unique to anyone so please feel free to share this survey.  I’ll publish the results next week and provide the entire detailed results to anyone who participates and gives me their email address.

If you have any questions on this survey, please contact me at

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