Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Summary of Today's #HITMC Tweetchat - Tuesday, April 21, 2015

I missed the #HITMC tweetchat hosted by HIT Marketing and PR (@HITMarketingPRthis morning so I grabbed the tweets and culled out all the responses. Here they're for those who also may have missed it:
T1: How does healthcare buyer engagement differ from sales and marketing in other industries? #HITMC 


T1: Security and compliance are a bigger priority in healthcare; Patients = very precious cargo buyers entrusted with! #HITMC 


T1 Wide array of stakeholders, very busy professionals w/ limited desk time - need new creative ways to engage. #HITMC 


T1: One major difference from many (although not all) industries is how regulated healthcare is. #HITMC 


T1: differs in the buyer dynamics... doctors, boards, C-levels & some floor staff all may have influence #HITMC 


T1: Credibility, while important in all industries, is especially of concern to potential buyers in the healthcare industry. #HITMC 


#HITMC T1: I think the complications come from the complexity of the systems. Many stakeholders get to say "no." 


T1: Healthcare buyers want to avoid the services vs. other industries where they're actively looking to use products/services. #HITMC 


T1: Security concerns in the healthcare industry too are very important whereas other industries may not need to worry about this #hitmc 


T1: peer influence seems to be of greater importance than anything else #HITMC 


Docs trust docs more. Med school bonds people. RT @NateKSU: T1: peer influence seems to be of greater importance than anything else #HITMC 

@shilling_brian RT @ehrandhit: Docs trust docs more. Med school bonds people. 

RT @NateKSU: T1: peer influence seems to be of greater importance than anyth… 


#HITMC T1: It's more than #providers, though. Many systems have to consider #Patient#Peer#Payer#Purchaser = different messages. 


@HealthcareScene @dz45tr T1 HIT specifically is a very complex arena, often w/ multi-org impact; longer sales cycles. #HITMC

T2: What are effective ways to succinctly present complex healthcare solutions in marketing? (videos, case studies, etc) #HITMC 


T2 A brief client story w/ clear benefit/outcome as bottom line required to snare initial attention #HITMC 


T2: case studies, to me, seem to be the best way to showcase solutions. Good to learn from a been-there-done-that situation. #hitmc 


T2 Personally a visual learner; Into diagrams, charts, drawings more than video (maybe an age thing?) #HITMC 


T2: A well done video can do an amazing job at describing complex solutions. Doing it well is a major challenge though. #HITMC 


T2:well placed video for a high level hook followed by case study #HITMC 


#HITMC T2: key to any marketing is understanding and planning for audience. Match the channel to the receiver. Good planning = success. 


#HITMC T2: writing out your key points in your messaging plan helps provide framework for how you channel. 


T2: We demonstrate subjectmater expertise; when they want2 no more-weLISTEN 2their issues&make specific plan #HITMC


T2: Regardless of the method you use to tell your story, you have to invest in the distribution of the story as well. #HITMC 

T3: In your experience, what’s been the single best marketing resource for building trust with healthcare providers? #HITMC


T3: This is a really good question. I'm excited for the answers! #HITMC 


T3 Word of mouth references from THEIR peers plus caring about end
user feedback #HITMC @billians


T3 Market education; Studies that bring trends, adoption benchmarks to light. Providers largely in uncharted territory! Want insight #HITMC

T3 Our clients report success validating solution #ROI w/ objective 3rd party & using that to establish trust from word go. #HITMC


T3: Setting expectations & Meeting/Exceeding them. #HITMC 


T3: Providing thought leadership too can be important, you need to show you KNOW what you're talking about. #hitmc 


#HITMC T3: Definitely word of mouth, but finding your champions and getting them to your audience is key. & getting over barrier to change. 


@PorterResearch T3 Clients report success validating solution ROI w/ objective 3rd party & using that to establish trust from word go #HITMC

T4: How important is it for companies to quantify solution ROI with hard numbers in marketing collateral? #HITMC


T4: Very important. #ROI can justify a marketing expense. #hitmc


T4 People love stats, numbers. Quick way to cut through the healthcare sales & marketing noise, IMHO. #HITMC 


T4: Suspicious buyers poke holes in ROI alone, they need to want to believe… then the ROI collateral is just confirmation #HITMC 


#KCA #VoteJKT48ID dz45tr: Not to mention #HealthIT is developing so quickly, by the time you get to market, you're probably too late. #HITMC


T4 Sellers will be cautious re: over-promising, but ROI (transactional & otherwise) should always be part of the pitch. #HITMC 


#HITMC T4: I think some ROI numbers are fine, but better to anticipate ROI for prospect can be more powerful 


T4: Quantifying ROI is key. Putting it in different terms is good too tho, like increased efficiency by X, #clicks, hours, etc. #HITMC


T4: Buyers gravitate to ROI numbers. ROI calculators are a great asset and marketing tool. #HITMC 

T5: What marketing initiatives offer the best channels for building brand credibility? (blogs, research, testimonials, etc) #HITMC


T5: providing thought leadership via blog or other source where you can showcase knowledge in concise, but thoughtful manner. #HITMC 


T5: I'm somewhat partial to blogs ;-) Although, look for blogs tied to a solid email list, social reach, and SEO profile. #HITMC 


T5 Horns are louder when someone else is tooting them ;) Client endorsements, research citations stand out. #HITMC 


T5: Well written blogs develop brands over time #HITMC 


T5 #HITMC Strategic partnerships, research blogs, bulletin board focus groups @billians


T5: Weve been seeing gr8 results from educational webinars (showcases expertise). Going 2start blogging (this month fingers crossed) #HITMC
@ehrandhit Too many people miss the "over time" part and fall short. RT @NateKSU: T5: Well written blogs develop brands over time #HITMC 


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